Work It

Work It is an exergame where you need to help villagers. The game uses an Azure Kinect to track your whole body. This game was made for a group project at Digital Arts & Entertainment for our client the Sports Innovation Campus in Bruges. It was made by two programmers Jonas De Ridder and me, two artists Arno Gabriels and Jarno Van Roy and two IGP students Yorick Bongaerts and Toon Van Huynegem.

I mainly worked on the gameplay of the levels and AI of the villager npcs. I also did some technical art when working with the Unreal water system. At the start of the project, we were also allowed to use an HTC Vive and its trackers. I made a prototype in Unity and Unreal engine with the Vive. But in the end, we decided that the full body tracking of the Kinect would lead to a better game and experience. The game turned out great and the client was very happy with it.

The game is made with Unreal Engine 4 and most is coded in c++ with a little bit of blueprints. It runs on a double beamer setup, one for the wall screen and one for the floor.