
Quantangled is a 2D puzzle platformer game. Made together by a team of 9 people. For programming Eleni Evripidou, Robert Forsythe and me. For art Sabrina W Omar, Leona Lu and Shreela. For sound Jamie Searle. For design and support Geoffrey Sie. And last but not least the amizing voice acting of Rich Keeble.

In the game you can shoot projectiles that grow or shrink objects. And later you get the ability to entangle objects together which makes the other object have the reverse effect when enlarged/shrunk. With these mechanics you need to solve physical puzzles so you can traverse the level and reach the end.

I mostly worked on the movement, entanglement and dialogue system. And also created the projectiles and several vfx.

In the end this turned out to be the most hectic game jam I have experienced yet. With as biggest causes overscoping and an unclear game design. This was also the first time I made a real platformer and our team had not much gamedev experience either. One of the problems was that we did not think enough about what experience we wanted to give the player. And this lead to including some mechanics that did not really add much value. Like a walljump that was used only once and also was too difficult for players leading to them getting stuck. This mechanic is too finicky and skill based for a game about solving puzzles. And we would always want to have a simple clear solution instead of a roll for dexterity skill check.

Also our puzzles where designed too much with having their own new mechanic. What I think we should have done instead is focus more on our core entangle mechanic. And do a more classic "indroduce, expand complexity and master the mechanic" puzzle progression loop. Because now we have spend too much time on creating different mechanics that were all underused. And were not able to provide the quallity and progression we wanted. So a "less is more" approach would have bennefitted the game immensely in my opinnion. But although the result was a bit less than we wanted, I still learned a lot about especially what not to do and how hopefully we can keep the overscoping more in check next time :).

The game was made for the GMTK game jam 2024 in 96 hours. The theme was "Build to Scale". The game was 1516th overall out of 7611 entries, which is in the top 20%. Made in Unity.